Permit & Design
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Skip to contentA solar plan set is the blueprint for your system and installation. It details the layout, components, electrical mapping, and all details for your specific project.
A plan set is required to obtain permits from your utility and local jurisdiction. Purchase your $750 solar plan set to get started on your project today! This payment will also go toward your total solar kit cost.
We work with engineers and municipalities in every state so we can stay up-to-date on local permit requirements to ensure your permits are approved the first submission. Permitting is the hardest and most tedious part of going solar.
Leave the headache to us, so you can focus on more important things. We handle everything, from placards, racking detail, data sheets, diagrams, site plan, note pages, and cover pages.
Strucutal engineering includes a stamped Engineering Letter specific to your home and Solar layout. Most local jursidiction require stamped Engineering before approving solar permits.