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Installing a solar power system big enough to generate electricity for your whole home can seem really expensive. While there are tax incentives and financing options getting that whole system installed for you might feel like more than you’re willing to pay. That’s why DIY solar projects have become so popular.

As you research DIY solar there tend to be a lot of differing opinions. It’s hard to know what’s true and what is just a ploy to make you spend more money.

Here we break down the top three myths and the top three myths and facts about DIY solar.

Top DIY Solar Myths and Facts

Myth: You Can’t Tie Your System to the Grid Fact: There Are Lots of Options to Tie Your System into the Grid

One of the biggest myths that I’ve seen floating around is that if you install your own solar panels then you won’t be able to tie them to the grid. This of course is a problem if you’re installing your solar panels on your home.

An off-grid system is great for extremely rural properties or cabins when that’s one of the only options available but for a home that has electricity running 24/7 (fridge, A/C, lights, etc.) an off-grid system is not ideal. When the sun goes down that means no more power. You can learn more about on- versus off-grid solar power, here.

Back to the question at hand, can you tie your solar panels to the grid if you installed them yourself? Yes! This might not be true everywhere but this is true for many places, Utah and Idaho included.

Myth: You Can’t Buy High-Quality Equipment for DIY Projects Fact: You Can Buy the Same Quality Equipment as the Pros if You Find the Right Distributor

Another floating around out there is that as a DIYer you can’t get access to the same high-quality equipment (panels, inverters, racking, etc.) as the pros have. While it’s true that many of our competitors won’t sell panels and other equipment to an individual, we do!

We sell the top name brands at wholesale prices to anyone who wants to go solar whether we’re doing the install or not. If you think that the only option is dinky, cheap DIY kits, you’re wrong. Also, we’d like to say welcome, you’ve come to the right place.

Make sure that you do your research to figure out which brands and pieces of equipment you think will work best for your home and budget. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have to help you get your project off the ground.

Myth: Your System Will Fail Regulation and Permitting Fact: We Can Help Your DIY System Can Pass Regulation and Permitting Without a Problem

Some people on the Anti-DIY bandwagon claim that you while you might be able to get your panels installed on your own there’s no way your system will get approved. Installing your own solar panels can be complicated but we want you to succeed so we hold free DIY classes to walk you through the whole process.

Nobody said you had to do the whole thing on your own. If you’re confident with one part of the project but not another call in a professional to help you with the part you’re unsure about. There’s not problem with asking for help.

On top of all that we also offer EZ Solar Permit and Design services. Permitting can be a huge pain in the butt so if you want us to takeover, we’ve got your back.

Myth: Only Professionals Can Install a Solar Power Array Fact: You Can Do It Yourself!

At Solar Wholesale we wholeheartedly believe that the average homeowner can install their own solar power! You don’t need to be a handyman or an electrician in order to get the job done. With the right instructions and the right equipment, installing your own solar is totally doable. You might want to rope in some helping hands to make the job a bit easier. We recommend bribing them with pizza or doughnuts!

At Solar Wholesale we give you the instructions you need plus tutorials and other in depth videos so you can feel comfortable doing your own installation. In addition our DIY solar kits come with everything you need and we mean everything! Our DIY solar kits even include the zips ties you need to manage your cables. 

DIY Solar Can Save Your Big Bucks

There are a few cons that have truth to them but one of the biggest facts about installing your solar yourself is there is potential for huge savings. We’re talking thousands of dollars! So if you have the skills and the desire it definitely makes sense.

We have customers that chose the DIY route and expect their solar to pay for itself in under five years. That’s insane! Can you imagine having to pay next to nothing for your electricity for 20-25 years?

We can help you achieve just that!

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