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Lately it seems like every neighborhood has at least one house (if not more) with solar panels on it. Going solar is a great investment. It can help you save money on your power bill each month and add value to your home!

Here are 5 things you should consider before going solar!

When making the decision to go solar, there are quite a few question you need to ask yourself. Here are a few to get you started.

1. How much energy do you use?

One of the first things you need to look into is how much power do you use. How much power you use will help you figure out how big or small of a solar system will be right for your home. If you have many appliances that you use often, solar can help take a big bite out of your bill.

2. When do you use your energy the most?

Not only is it important to consider how much energy you’re using but when you’re using it as well. If you use a lot of power in your home during the daytime, you’re a great candidate for solar power. For example if you work from home, have a stay-at-home spouse, or even have a pool or other appliances that you run during the daytime.

If you’re not home for many daytime hours, don’t worry there are still benefits to you and it doesn’t mean that you should give up on solar!

3. Power Company Payback Programs

Even if you don’t use all of your solar power, the great part is that most power companies have programs where they’ll essentially buy your excess power from you. So even if you’re not using the your solar power, it won’t go to waste.

Some power companies are more generous than others when it comes to how much they’ll pay you for the excess power. Find out what the rates are in your area. If the power company is willing to pay a lot, you should consider cashing in.

4. The solar incentives in your state

Another way to cash in on solar is with solar incentives. Many states have set up incentive programs to attract more residents to go solar. These incentives could be tax deductions, tax credits, rebates, and even grants in some states!

5. Consider Your Property

Shade is a big no-no when it comes to solar. A solar company like Solar Wholesale can help you decided where to best position your panels to maximize output, but if you’re home is completely surrounded by tall trees that keep your home in the shade, you’ve got a problem. It will take some work on your part to clear space for sun to hit your panels if shade is impacting your panel setup.

On the other hand if your house is nearly always in the sun, that makes you a prime candidate for solar.

The Value of Solar

The Value of Solar

If you like the idea of free energy, free money, and a chance to cut your power bills all while helping the environment, than solar power has all the value you need. We’ve already discussed payback periods but let’s refresh.

If your solar panel system costs you $20,000 and it saves you $2,500 a year in power bills that you don’t have to pay, your system will have paid for itself in eight years ($20,000/$2,500 = 8).

Even if you end up having a longer payback period like 10 years, for example, you’ll still be able to enjoy 15 years of free power thanks to most 25 year warranties that come with solar panels. And even if you don’t stay in your house for that long, it will add to the value of your home and pay for itself that way.

Can You Afford to Go Solar?

Going solar can often seem easier said than done when looking at the total upfront price. Sure it’ll pay for itself in a few years, but that’s a lot of money that you need to pay now. We get it.

If you’ve looked at solar pricing from other companies, forget what you saw.

At Solar Wholesale our mission is to bring solar to you without the massive price tag. Many large solar companies inflate their pricing to pay for expensive salesman, commission, and selling incentives. We’ve cut all that out.

Plus we buy in bulk to get you the very best prices possible. A lot of other solar companies are a lot of talk but we mean it. Just check out this customer review!

“Solar Wholesale was great to work with. I had quotes from multiple companies and Doug at Solar Wholesale was by far the best. (One company basically walked out when I said I had a quote from Solar Wholesale, he knew that SW’s price couldn’t be beat) Doug was quick to respond to any question I had and made the entire process easy. The installers did a great job, they even crawled into my tiny attic to make the installation look it’s best. Save yourself some time and money by calling Solar Wholesale first.” – M. Taylor

We’ve also partnered banks to help you access tons of financing options! We’ll be here to help you every step of the way.

When to Go Solar

solar tax credit step down 2021

One of the reasons that solar panels have been so popular in the last few years is thanks to tax credits and rebates. This is definitely something to keep in mind when deciding when you want to add solar panels to your home.

The investment tax credit (ITC) applies to both residential and commercial systems. It was set up as a way to incentivize consumers to add solar to their home as an investment. Currently the ITC allows you to deduct 26% of the cost from your federal taxes.

Unfortunately all good things come to an end. This is the last year that the federal government is offering a 30% deduction. Next year the deduction will drop to 26%, in 2021 it’s set at 22% and in 2022 it will be 10%.

That makes now a really good time to go solar!

Consider Doing It Yourself

Solar power doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. With some basic information, you can even do it yourself for more savings! Here at Solar Wholesale we firmly believe that anyone is capable of installing their own solar. Some solar companies won’t even sell panels to DIYers but in our opinion DIY solar is a great project and offers amazing savings. 

We love how easy Jerry Rig Everything’s video makes DIY solar looks easy and doable!

Contact Us Today for a Quote!


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