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The coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives of nearly every American and billions of people around the globe. It has disrupted life as we know it and we respect the seriousness of this situation in our Great State of Utah and across the United States. But even in this time of turmoil we wanted to reassure you, our customers, that we are committed to serving you and maintaining business as usual. 

We are privileged to be considered an essential business and as such we are continuing to conduct business as usual to ensure that you will not be affected. 

Employees that have the ability to work from home are already working from home at this time. This will help to prevent the spread and reduce exposure for all of us in our community as well as within our business. We are devoted to the health and well-being of our employees and we strive to maintain a safe and healthy workplace. 

Our warehouse staff are still working diligently to ship out orders, including DIY kits, to all customers as per usual. At this time we are following all CDC hygiene guidelines for the health and safety of everyone involved. At this time all of our employees remain healthy and symptom free. 

As social distancing guidelines continue to be in place we will be holding online DIY solar installation classes through our Facebook page. With many people finding themselves with extra time on their hands, we’ve seen an uptick in interest in DIY solar. Now is a great time to go solar and we can help you learn how virtually! 

Alternatively for customers who are interested in having us do a full install, our installations are going forward as usual. Since the majority of installation work happens outside on your roof, social distancing is already built into the job! All previously scheduled installations are currently moving forward as scheduled. 

Another area of interest as of late has been solar batteries. We have solar battery solutions available and would love to discuss with you further about your needs regarding power storage. 

With interest rates at their lowest in years and government issued aid on its way, now is a great time to invest in solar. Solar is like a gift that keeps on giving. Your solar panels could pay for themselves in as little as 5 years and keep giving you free electricity for decades to come. 

Thank you for all of your support at this difficult time. We will continue to serve you to the best of our ability as this situation continues to develop. If there are any changes in how we are conducting business we will update you when needed. We hope that you and your family continue to stay safe and healthy. We will get through this together!

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